Tuesday, March 3, 2009



(arent you excited?!)

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 10:44:00 PM

Monday, January 5, 2009


first of all, ya i know im an asshole for hibernating so long before i finally blog. But i guess there aint many people who actually regularly checks out my blog so i guess it aint that big of a sin.
But hey, at least im back and im going to blog a long one today.


yup unless you were staying in a cold, dark room with nothing but a bed and not leaving it for like what, three years, it's 2009 already.

2008 was probably one of the most unusual years for me in fact. I have never live life liked i've did in 2008. It was what i call, a hibernating year. I didnt do much, never was really upgoing and hardworking, neither was i fulfilling my aspirations.
2008 for me, was tranquil.

For many that saw me, i have actually grown alot fatter (especially Alvin -_-||), but i felt it was more than just that.
Yes, maybe i have neglected this problem throughout the year, but i felt that i have grown more than just fatter, in fact i feel more at ease with things now. I am more accepting, more farsighted and able to be more forgiving. Never will i go crazily mad if somebody does something wrong, rather than looking at how to deal it out with the person, i would, nowadays, look for the solutions to the problem.
Therefore, i may had grown fatter, but i certainly have become a more complete person emotionally. 苹果熟了.


I have many things in plan for 2009. i don intend to finish them all, but at least i will give it a shot.
First of all, ENOUGH of that serenity life that i had. It is pretty much for me to step up the gear and do something about my life.
Well, although i am already pretty much good-looking(lol)already, i guess this year i have to train up a bit, cause NS aint far away.

My guitar!! i have to get one soon and start learning it myself. The reason why i kinda did not want to learn from others was maybe i just wanna test whether i have the ability to be able to withstand all that hardwork and be determined enough to see it through. And furthermore, everybody who knows me knows i love singing, what is a talented singer without a good guitar?! lol....

Im probably too adapted to living the serenity life now that i have become so so so much lazier. Ok... i guess the only thing is to take on it face to face, i aint going to escape from it. Here I come you bloody laziness! Right in your face! ( me starting to blog is the first step to eliminating laziness, bwahahaaha)

Last but not least, in fact the most important, improve my grades. I guess this is the most most hardest of all, considering im never the studying-guy. But hey! its do-or-die. I aint got second chances, considering im not the Singapore-born Singaporean. Im actually considering that after finishing my diploma, finishing NS, i might come out to work for like a couple of years and earn enough money to go to a university abroad cause i probably would not be able to enter Singapore Unis. (Last year even some 3.8 GPA students cant get in lol)

Hmnnn, i might even consider migrating.


To my family, Good years ahead.
To my friends, Cheers always.
To my buddies, May we last forever.
To the ones i loved and still love, I wish happiness for you.
To the ones who loved and still love me, i allow you to. *smirk*

And to everyone who come across this blog, ...


Posted by HenryTheGreat at 4:43:00 PM

Friday, October 31, 2008

busy busy busy

i wan to blog!!...but so busy with work this few daes...so many make-up lessons...

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 9:19:00 AM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Im Back with reccommending albums!! =)

First in line is an album that has come out quite some time ago, i dunno, i actually didnt want to reccommend this album since it has already been quite some time it has come out but some of the songs inside was just too good that i had to reccommend

Elva Hsiao's 3 Faced album
First of all i think she looks really pretty on the albm cover, but that's not the main point haha.. ok this album is pretty good and i highly reccommend the song 冲动,i know i know, its already a big hit nowadays, but i just feel i got to stick my leg in and say that this song is real good, hehe. This album is as sexy as ever from Elva as she sticks to her usual genre of pop and high-tuned dance music. 3.8/5 for me because i thought oni a few songs that i really wanted to reccommend is good, the rest was only ok.. -_-|| the few other good songs are More More More, 两个人的寂寞 and 类似爱情.

Now to main dish...

Woots! S.H.E's new album totaly rocks, haha ok quite an exaggeration. Its what i feel, "ok lol" . ALthough a big fan of S.H.E, i feel that this album is ONLY as usually good and nothing much special for me. 宇宙小姐 reminds mi of Ring Ring Ring (dunno why, maybe the MV ba, futuristic-themed) but is still nice, 安静了, another JayChou's spin-off, pretty nice but i feel the lyrics totally don click because they are just trying to make use of 安静's lyrics rather than finding suitable ones. 沿海公路的出口, nice sad song, but it kinda reminds me of another S.H.E song, haha.
However, out of the whole album, i prefer the song 店小二, its tune is normal at best and its lyrics are especially unique. Nice idea! 4/5 for me, i wanted to give 3.5 nia, but thinking im a fan, haha (biased) so i give a 4. =)

And now To the BEST dessert you can ever think of...

Yes its none other than 周董's new album Capricorn.
One word for description. SEXY.
Master Yoda: Darn good, This album is.
This album is JayChou at his best, 不变成万变. I really like the theme of this new album, abit of the fantasy and yet it has this 轻松 feel to it.
稻香 totally rocks, probably the best of its kind since 园游会. And i really like the MV, nostalgic feel to it. 给我一首歌的时间 is quite a refreshing feel for me, it has this american pop genre to it, its the kind of song you think justin timberlake or kanye west might sing. BUT but but, the 2 best songs that i think makes this album a hit for me is 魔术先生 and 流浪诗人, the first is a cheeky and act cute song which can be said to be the best song in the whole album for me because of its beats, and the latter quite a new genre for Jay to sing, abit of the layback and the "after-a-drink" feel to it. And ya, its actually a 台语歌, cool right?? The rest of the songs in the album are relatively good, as usual his tyype of soothing and pop songs. Well ok, maybe 蛇舞 and 时光机 was only so-so for me, but overall it definitely deserve a 5/5.

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 11:55:00 AM

Back And On The Boom

After weeks and weeks of preparing and tiring myself out, FINALLY im back on this blog.

Been too busy with moving house recently, and today is the first day that i finally got my internet in house settled.

Told myself that i was going to start blogging once i finished with moving house..

Well its sure abit squeezy in this house, BUT that's just life. 就当做是在成长..

Going to post quite alot of stuff in the coming weeks .. So you better watch out!! *threatful eyes*

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 11:37:00 AM

Sunday, September 7, 2008

幸福摩天轮 。。 个屁!!

这。。这。。。 是幻觉吗?? 是悬挂在天空上的棺材?? 还是是一桶桶载满着希望和生命的信箱,带着祈望和梦想飞翔,奔向天堂??(还是 Power Ranger SPD Force 睡觉的地方)

啊啊啊。。 原来是 Singapore Flyer

好啦好啦 。。装什么幽默吗我。。
今天和家人上了一堂飞翔之旅(比较慢的) 因为老姐她身为 "Civil Servant" 而所有的优惠, 不然这么贵,我老爸甚至连搓刀进他的屁屁也不会肯付钱的。。

超值的一提, 我老爸,拍照超要你拍的完完整整。。要拍就把全部放进去, 不然就别拍 。。哈哈
导致连身体都变得那么小小。。 他的原则哦。。 坦白说我还真的有遗传到这一点, 就坚持原则 (不是拍照的原则啦 )

这张我拍的。。就是我最最最尊重的一家人 *呐喊:后面的人滚开啦!!(让我想起Olympus的广告)

美丽的景色。。。一览无遗 =)

美丽的妈妈加上美丽的景色 。。。 *吐*

劲爆!! 夕阳!! 哦!我们也来的正是时候了吧。。


哦我老爸一直在替的 。。 IR 的建筑过程 。。eh 我是谁? 好歹也是TRM 学生,干嘛一直替一些我听到闷得东东啊。。哈哈
好啦好啦, 给你说。。

就觉得这张自己的头发最好看。。 好啦 。。至少后面有个夕阳嘛 。哦你们很烦leh。。

装emo 的老姐 。。

凑热闹。。 我也来装 emo

哈哈。。 我赢了吧 。。

什么?!妈也来一手。。 啊啊!!*被枪毙* 姐,我们是手下败将。。 *心服口服*

哎哟!。。不错嘛。。 这个摩天轮。。 hmnn。。 可以。

zai吧 。。 摩天轮楼下的lobby 还有 F1 赛车 。。Eh 政府, 需要打到这样吗? 够红了啦

竟然不是幸福摩天轮(Eason 的歌 )。。那就为了画上一个句点, 就称为。。


有够恶心的 。。 得上厕所。。

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 11:56:00 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Comment's Comments

Justin: frm what i see , i also feel the same too, maybe chinese more 质感

PY:i guess why its especially touching is because the topics are close to us ba...
ya sad..i love staying in woodlands .. anyway you jio me out..i also dunno your friends... 人家害羞 比较慢热 不好吧 ...heh..but still..keep in touch !!

Kerrong: lol sister, you move less than 3 mrt stops only nia..whats the big deal .. i move across almost half of Singapore horizontally, the impact is much bigger, somemore i last time is moving overseas leh, 你能了解那种漂洋过海的感受吗?*叹气*
anyway i actually feel good moving out of Rosewood is only because dont have to pay that stupid big sum of maintenance fee... 你也将会是“过来人”, 因该明白吧..

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 10:08:00 PM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


虽然也出了很久 但是我必须说 。。。

完成了所谓的理想 放纵了情绪的泛滥
汗都流干 天都微亮 然后怎样

拥有了旅行的空档 却遗失流浪的背囊
沿着轨道 一直浏览 然后怎样

假期过完 有设么打算
走过一个天堂 找一个方向

谁在催我成长 让我失去迷途 的胆量
我怕谁失望 我为谁而忙

我最初的只贪玩 为何变负坦
为何我的问题 总得等待别人 的答案

我的快乐时代唱烂 才领悟代价多高昂
不能满足 不敢停站 然后怎样


我想说的 。。 歌词都带了出来
我想给你看得 。。 MV 也一五一十的表现出来

简单的歌词 简单的旋律
Bringing Out The Life Of People From All Walks Of Life


Posted by HenryTheGreat at 11:08:00 AM

Tuesday, September 2, 2008



看了第一次。。 让我哭着笑着走出戏院

看了第二次 。。 笑得更大声 。。 哭到了心里。。

这就是我看了梁导的新戏 钱不够用2 的感觉 。。
虽然已经知道笑点 。。 但是还是忍不住笑了出来。。 重点应该不是笑话 而是他们的语气和动作吧

Mother 演得很可爱, 也很凄惨 。。 看着看着 不知该笑或是该哭。。 心里面也只有一句话 “怎么会是这样呢?” 就如我姐所说的 。。 Mother 她因该值得拿到些设么奖的
本身觉得她在一直被孩子们推来推去的时候, 很可怜很辛苦的从大儿子到小儿子的家来来回回地“徘徊”,脸上露出笑容 但心里却是滴着勉强和辛酸的泪 时演得最好
。。 只知道她叫 Lai Meng 不知道是哪些字

没有哀怨 没有要求 设么都 “eh塞eh塞” 的妈妈, 尽是被抛来抛去都么有一句complaint,我看也只有父母亲才会肯这样子牺牲吧。。。。 尽是是要用自己的性命来教换也很愿意。。

也不知道我长大以后会不会像他们三兄弟这样,把父母丢到老人院, 或是和我姐姐吵着谁来照顾他们
尽是家人对我来说最重要。。 但是我会愿意照顾他们吗?我这一时的孝顺, 以后会因为莫些因素而改变吗?
当我爸爸妈妈以七老八十, 会尿床 会健忘 会烦死人 会全身老人臭的是侯, 我会挺身而出,负起责任的说要照顾他们?? 竟是老婆孩子反对 竟是他们会是笑话 竟是他们会很让我丢脸 竟是照顾他们会是一股很沉重的经济负担吗。。。

辉哥和国煌都演得很好 。。 很够细腻。。 国煌他的演技也进步了很多很多

很喜欢赖伊玲 演出 燕燕的角色, 真希望身边也有这样的小女人。。当然不是拿来像阿煌这样用拉 是拿来疼得

有些人不喜欢这样, 一部戏又笑又哭, 说很奇怪, 但是我觉得这就是他的卖点
“人生也不过是这样 笑着笑着 哭着哭着 也就一切过去了”

里面的福建歌都非常动听 个个都让人听出耳油 。。这也因该是福建歌它独特的feeling吧! 突然好想好好学会我早就应该学的福建话。。 也来唱几首福建歌才是嘛

总的来说, 。。 是一部好戏 。。 反正 。。 不看白不看嘛

*我会选这个照片的关系, 是因为 一家人团聚, 一起吵吵闹闹的感觉最好 十分温馨
也是应为其他照片都licensed 不可以copy 。。 哈哈!

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 10:51:00 PM


ehh ehh.. been a VERY long time since i last blog, i didnt know why, i just dont have the fEeL to blog. And ya, am living quite a boring and slacking lifestyle recently, so i guess its not worth mentioning. heh... oh ya

RE: joanne comments; i never went back BP that day because i need to go malaysia

Why go back malaysia? cause i wanted to bring some stuff that i do not need for now over there for storing.

Why am i doing that? Cause damn hell we are moving house soon. Haix..i really dont want to leave woodlands. My adaptibility for accommodation not very high. 好不容易适应了从马来西亚搬过来的生活 现在又的和不熟悉的亲人一起住
Honestly speaking, i dont really like this relative of mine, i wont say who or why, she just dont give me a very good impression
Im not gonna say good luck for myself, cause ..cause..haix

Moving to Clementi in some weeks time, yes it will be of convenience for me to go to school, but im just gonna miss my friends and my life over at woodlands here.

Here's what i predict my life would be once i move over

Morning go school
Afternoon come back home
Go room use computer

Why? Cause i guess i wont feel at ease expressing myself as i used to when living in woodlands, with a close-to-stranger relative living with us too, im guessing alot of my interaction time with my family will be gone

Somemore, i have no friends in Clementi, so i wont be able to go to Andrew's or Zk"s house as usual or as easily le. So i will be probably living a one man's life ba
Well, that's just life.. gotta move on..

Its not so bad for me, but i feel worst for my mother
Someone who is used to being Queen of the Family now has somebody else who is kaepo enough to be interfering her dominance is what i predict, gosh.. i can feel the sparks even before we moved in. Luckily my mother is more 随和, but i stil feel bad for her.

Haix i actually feel this is worst than failing a test in school, cause of the fact that family is so so much important to me

Luckily, its only a temporary stay before my dad finds a new house just for ourselves, because of the fact that this house which initially belongs to my dad's mother and now only has my relatives staying in there is actually quite small.

Hope we move back to woodlands.. hehe

## So sorry people i missed this year de teacher's day to go back and chill out with all of you ..regret sia.. Next Year.. i will definitely go back, and ok i treat all those who go back next year to BP to pizza hut ..ermm 4p2 only ..haha

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 10:15:00 PM

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Intercontinental Hotel

went to intercontinental hotel yesterday for this TRM seminar which includes speeches from guest speakers in the events industry and a short award presentation for the ITR/FMM project.

yes it was boring

so bored we started taking lame pictures

my hairstyle was quite different yesterday so they kinda took pictures with it..some i noticed and played along while others were took while i was stoning

i know what you want to say...shut up! lol...

here's my table de people

actually overall the seminar was quite a good one for me..i thought the third speaker gave quite a insiprational speech..well some people went asleep during the whole thing

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 2:22:00 PM

Saturday, July 26, 2008

today morning wake up very 情诗画艺 feel like blogging alot about life so here goes..

I always thought im the kind who is 与世无争.. never like competing..never like fighting over positions or ranks with others.. but a night of not sleeping and just laying on bed enlightened my thoughts. I guess there's really not much of such a phrase afterall..

Many people think they are not competing in life, but actually do you realise you are afterall competing... Competing for survival?? competing for grades??..competing for very trivial stuff?? It looks like very general topics that 与世无争 de people are never interested in, but i realise we are lying to ourselves when we say we are not competing. Examples? i wouldnt say any.. cause everybody thinks differently and how in their way of competing differs.
Some people might say " Im doing this for myself", but arent you competing? for yourself?? competing for your own future?

Therefore, i really do not like those people who did not do well in exams and then say, aiya im not competing anyway or i knew i couldnt do it afterall... its like they are running away from the fact that they are competing. Why take the exam in the first place if you keep thinking "hey im not competing" after the taking it?

Lets be realistic. We all compete, but it doesnt mean you can get ruthless...scheming...六亲不认...and hurt others' feelings. I believe we can all compete together, it doesnt have to get SOO realistic ( 不是你死就是我亡)... We live together...not live to win people. A friend who always let his other friends win doesnt mean he dont compete, his just competing to help others. We dont have to accept what he is doing, but we have to understand why he does that.

We have goals in life because we want to compete..we have purposes in life because we want to compete...there isnt such thing as having no goals in life..Its just how every different person defines goals..

A person who just wants to slack his way throughout his life doesnt means he doesnt have goals, he is competing to be able to slack... which is his goal. However i dont agree one should just slack his life away..cause that is my mindset. But i can do nothing, its his life afterall, i can help, but i cant decide for him. -_-||

This explains why a billionaire and a nature conservationist are both successful. They have different goals, but they are all competing for theirs.

Life is about competing, its just how you want to compete.

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 10:24:00 AM


i didnt told much people about this but i joined this interest group in my business school called BA Communication. Its a interest group that focus mainly on Act, Sing and Talk. A kinda way of expressing oneself through all these three themes. And nevertheless, i foccus on Sing part.

There was this StageWerks Competition held by BACOMM or i think so... that wanted people who can sing to join in the competition. I went for the auditions and guess what!?...i got into the TOP 16 !! LOL can anyone believe it??! YA super shocking right, i only went for the auditions mainly because some of my schoolmates were going and they jio me along.

HONG WEI LEH!!...hong wei can actually go into top 16...in an audition of over 100+ people i guess... I think i was lucky..lol ..im like showing off -_-||

Anyway the main thing was we had training yesterday night for the top 16..lol..Yup it was good for me, especially since i have totally no experience or knowledge whatsoever in singing techniques... ( Can we not count the BP Autumn Festival that one?)lol... and the trainers there was marvellous at singing and they taught me alot.

They always say use your diaprhagm or such when singing, but i guess i dont really know how..but they kinda taught me how there. It was indeed a great learning experience.

They told me to pick a song to sing that night, and i choose 伯乐 by Yoga.. I wanted to choose Eason de..but i scare i 模仿 him.

Next time im going to take some pictures and then show you guys the training process.

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 9:53:00 AM

Monday, July 21, 2008

Batman : The Dark Knight

watch dark knight days ago with drew jw and sam, and i hav to say, its really really good!! joker is ike the main character in the whole story for me, and i think many will agree that joker was the best performing role in the whole story. The way he laughs, the way he walks, his every move and every scheme, i seriously think he has outact the comic joker. Defintely deserving of an oscar!! Yes batman was your usual good guy again, saving the world and never expecting the gotham city to accept him for what he is, but i simply feel joker just better.

I really like the plot, because it shows how feeble mankind is, how vulnerable human is to threats like joker. The movie not only shows so much of the bad side of human, but still manage to show that you can still find the angels among hell.

I think that whats really good about the story of batman is that his totally human, no fantasy or special abilities, ok maybe just one never-ending pile of cash and some kick-ass ninja skills, but other than that his really just your average billionaire and his passion for justice.

One point to really take note, i find the part where Harvey turns from the white knight all the way down to a two-faced murderer was really heart-breaking yet real.

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 5:32:00 PM

Saturday, July 12, 2008

wad de heck why drew tagged mi for tat quiz..lol da ge qian jiu ni la ..i do

timechk ( 10.07 am)

1. life is all bout passion for mi
2. luvs caramel frappacino
3. got and A, B ,A for my common test...aiseh act sia..lol
4. luvs my family alot mre den u can think
5. appreciate all tat my grandmum has done for mi
6. is an old man covered in youngster clothes
7. adores eason chen's music
8. luvs singing and lyk hell i do
9. can appreciate art alot but canot draw..lol
10. luv ballgames...namely basketball n soccer
11. thinks 炜大少 is cool for himself
12. im kinda ego..but i noe my limits
13. learning guitar rite now at sch
14. hopes to go in2 event management in da future
15. n oh ya...thinks tat yoga lin is e nxt big 歌神
16. lyk my course (trm) quite a fair bit except for itb
17. is actuali enjoyin maecroecons
18. im a many sided person..meaning many diff faces
19. hopes to go bck to ipoh and 养老 when e time comes
20. enjoy e times i hav wth my clique in bp

(time chk 10.16)
took 9mins
meaning 9 persons wad de heck ...

joanne (kerong)

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 10:07:00 AM

Friday, July 11, 2008


Hi im bck after stoning at home and acting feeling emo for many days...didnt really feel lyk blogging...lol kinda dead blog huh...BUT im bck just bcuz of this ...EASON'S NEW ALBUM...i got to sae..he nv fail to impress for each of his albums 11yrs down e road...its SO DARN GOOD I JUST GOT TO GET OFF MY BED AND BLOG BOUT this album..its eason at his best..singing 非主流性歌曲 .. its so gd... u just drown in it..

Thrs sth jus so different about eason chen..many ppl ask mi wads so gd bout his voice..i dunno how to sae it directly...its just that his voice is so real..and he absorbs every single word wth so much feel u think your watching a movie rather than just listening to a song

And you just got to notice, do any of you realise his album covers are always so plain and abstract other than the usual album covers you see out there..his album covers are the kind you wouldnt even take a notice when you're looking through a whole rack of cds...but do any of you realise again his albums always sells the best for so many years? Thats the power of Eason Chen

I dunno which song to recommend actually ...every song rocks from the bottom of my heart.. but you just got to listen to Aren't You Glad...his first English song in 11 years... the last song 然后怎样 and 倒带人生.. but in fact i just recc everything la
5/5 for this album..i cant find whats not really good with this album...


Posted by HenryTheGreat at 11:57:00 PM

Monday, June 23, 2008

IQ Test Score


Posted by HenryTheGreat at 10:09:00 AM

Working With MDA

Was busy working at MDA for the past week and ya you can say i learn alot there. The people there was nice and always ready to teach me something new. But!! i got to say the pay really sucks la...ok la...i took it as more of a job attachment experience rather than just to go there and earn money ($80 for that four days)

Basically MDA stands for Media Development Authority of Singapore and i was there as a student helper to help out in 2 events, namely the Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting Conference and Asean Digital Broadcasting Meet held out for the four days. Well its event management and as i said before, yupz thats pretty much the line of work i would love to work in . However, i guess most of the things i did was just to tend the registration desk and do some office boy stuff. It was still an enriching experience, because i was observing how they actually organize and manage an event from an "outsider" point of view.

Hope i can get more chances to work at different companies and help in managing events because i really like learning from these experiences.

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 9:46:00 AM

Sunday, June 8, 2008

人面獅身的謎語 已經被解開

莎士比亞的對白 不再精彩

伊莉莎白泰勒的眼眶 流下埃及豔后古老的眼淚

拜拜 飛快而永遠

只留身體在狂歡 心就沒負擔

耳朵被音樂塞滿 拋上雲端

沒有什麼不能被改變 就像沒有什麼值得 被改變

一整夜 眨眼一瞬間

誰來 燒熱 我眼睛的黑色

誰能 逃得出我的催眠

我會 讓你心甘情願 把一切都給我

只要 看著我的雙眼

誰來 燒熱 我眼睛的黑色

誰能 止得住我的乾渴

我會 讓你跌入深不見底的快樂

無法 忘記我的 雙眼

只留身體在狂歡 心就沒負擔

耳朵被音樂塞滿 拋向雲端

沒有什麼不能被改變 就像沒有什麼值得 被改變

一整夜 眨眼一瞬間

誰來 燒熱 我眼睛的黑色

誰能 逃得出我的催眠

我會 讓你心甘情願 把一切都給我

只要 看著我的雙眼

誰來 燒熱 我眼睛的黑色

誰能 止得住我的乾渴

我會 讓你跌入深不見底的快樂

無法 忘記我的雙眼

無法 忘記我的 雙眼
Its really good right ..the lyrics...i tell you..the music is even better
Oh man..im in love with his songs..its really nice. 越听越SONG!! haha lol
Just to reccomend another of his songs... 伯樂 ..its as good as 那首歌

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 10:12:00 PM

Yea!! its hongwei with his reccomendation again..this time is Hong Kong comeback singer Fiona Sit in Its My Day...she loooks really cute to me in this cover ..haha .. quite right..lol
okok..what i am impressed with this album is how much her pronouncination improved..hehe
Yup this is quite a good album if you really like the smoothie and easy-going voice..ermm i would rather compare her voice with 陳綺貞...
I really like 一个人失意... its a really sweet love sad song
another reccomendation would be 复刻回忆 sang with khali fong..woot! the darn good jazz singer ..that song is really nice..really nice..lol loss with descriptions
3.6/5 for this album =)
sorry she is nt a comeback singer...shes a newbie..hehe..i think i mixed her up with another singer

Posted by HenryTheGreat at 9:57:00 PM